Nature Trivia

130+ Best Nature Trivia Questions & Answers

Mike Oberman

Updated: July 4th, 2023

Discover fascinating facts about the natural world with our collection of nature trivia questions. From adorable animals to majestic landscapes, dive into the wonders of nature and challenge your friends with these mind-boggling questions!

General Nature Trivia

Question: Pygmy marmosets live in the basin of which major world river?

Answer: Amazon

Question: Which is the only part of the world which does not have any native felines?

Answer: Australia

Question: What is another name for the spines of a porcupine?

Answer: Quills

Question: What is the main foodstuff of badgers?

Answer: Worms

Question: What is another name for the Pangolin, which rolls into a ball when threatened?

Answer: Scaly Anteater

Question: Roe, red, and fallow are types of which British creature?

Answer: Deer

Question: Dogs are pregnant for around how many weeks?

Answer: 9

Question: What is the plural of octopus?

Answer: Octopi

Question: The word 'vulpine' refers to which animal?

Answer: Fox

Question: Which small animal builds a nest called a drey?

Answer: Squirrel

Question: What is a baby shark called?

Answer: Pup

Question: Which aquatic animal builds dams to block rivers?

Answer: Beaver

Question: What color comes before 'poison dart frog' for the name of a small, poisonous amphibian?

Answer: Blue

Question: Angora yarn can come from a goat and which other animal?

Answer: Rabbit

Question: The name of which animal is also one of the seven deadly sins?

Answer: Sloth

Question: What is the name of the marine creature whose body is called a bell?

Answer: Jellyfish

Question: Sloths can have two or how many toes?

Answer: Three

Question: Which is the largest species in the cat family?

Answer: Tiger

Question: What nationality comes before 'rose tarantula' in the name of a spider?

Answer: Chilean

Question: Meerkats are native to which continent?

Answer: Africa

Question: Male saltwater crocodiles can reach lengths of how many meters?

Answer: 7 meters

Question: A collared peccary looks like which other animal?

Answer: Pig

Question: The chinchilla is part of which animal family?

Answer: Rodents

Question: How many types of Great Apes are there?

Answer: 4

Question: Deathwatch, Colorado potato, and scarab are types of which insect?

Answer: Beetle

Question: What type of eagle is the national symbol of the United States?

Answer: Bald

Question: What type of animal is an Eastern Bongo?

Answer: Antelope

Question: Aviculture is the science of raising which type of creatures in captivity?

Answer: Birds

Question: Portuguese Man-Of-War is a type of which creature?

Answer: Jellyfish

Natural Phenomenon Trivia

Question: What natural phenomenon occurs when electrically charged particles from the sun collide with Earth's atmosphere?

Answer: Aurora borealis (Northern Lights)

Question: What is the term for a large swirling storm system characterized by a low-pressure center and strong winds?

Answer: Hurricane

Question: What is the name for the sudden discharge of electricity in the atmosphere, usually accompanied by thunder and lightning?

Answer: Lightning

Question: Which natural phenomenon involves the rapid shaking of the Earth's surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates?

Answer: Earthquake

Question: What is the term for a massive rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground?

Answer: Tornado

Question: What is the process called when water vapor in the air turns into liquid water, forming droplets on a surface?

Answer: Condensation

Question: What natural phenomenon occurs when a body of water retreats, exposing the seabed due to low tide or other factors?

Answer: Low tide

Question: What is the name for the gradual wearing away of land by the action of wind, water, or ice?

Answer: Erosion

Question: Which natural event involves the sudden and violent release of energy stored in rocks, resulting in a seismic wave?

Answer: Volcanic eruption

Question: What is the term for the movement of the ocean's water in a specific pattern caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun?

Answer: Tidal currents

Question: What is the process called when a solid substance changes directly into a gas without becoming a liquid first?

Answer: Sublimation

Question: What natural phenomenon occurs when a large body of water, such as a river or lake, overflows onto normally dry land?

Answer: Flood

Question: What is the term for the grinding and wearing away of rock surfaces through the mechanical action of other rocks or particles?

Answer: Abrasion

Question: Which natural phenomenon is caused by the rapid expansion of air along a lightning strike, resulting in a loud sound wave?

Answer: Thunder

Question: What is the name for a swirling mass of air characterized by a low-pressure center and circulating winds?

Answer: Cyclone

Question: What natural event involves the gradual movement of soil, rocks, or sediment down a slope due to the force of gravity?

Answer: Landslide

Question: What is the process called when a gas changes into a liquid, typically as a result of cooling or increased pressure?

Answer: Condensation

Question: Which natural phenomenon involves the gradual deposition of sediment, such as sand or silt, by wind or water?

Answer: Sedimentation

Question: What is the term for the gradual warming of Earth's surface due to the trapping of heat by certain gases in the atmosphere?

Answer: Global warming

Question: What natural event occurs when a volcano collapses into a void beneath it, resulting in a depression called a caldera?

Answer: Volcanic caldera

Natural Disasters Trivia

Question: What is the term for a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, resulting in seismic waves?

Answer: Earthquake

Question: Which natural disaster is characterized by the rapid rotation of a powerful funnel-shaped cloud?

Answer: Tornado

Question: What is the name for a massive ocean wave caused by seismic activity, typically an undersea earthquake?

Answer: Tsunami

Question: Which natural disaster involves the eruption of molten rock, ash, and gases from a volcano?

Answer: Volcanic eruption

Question: What is the term for a destructive wall of water caused by the displacement of a large body of water?

Answer: Flood

Question: Which natural disaster occurs when hot, ash-laden gases are ejected explosively from a volcano?

Answer: Pyroclastic flow

Question: What is the name for a violent tropical storm with sustained winds of 74 miles per hour or more?

Answer: Hurricane

Question: Which natural disaster is characterized by intense rainfall, leading to rapid and widespread flooding?

Answer: Flash flood

Question: What is the term for a large-scale fire that spreads quickly, typically in vegetation-rich areas?

Answer: Wildfire

Question: Which natural disaster involves the sudden and violent release of energy in the Earth's crust, causing shaking and ground rupture?

Answer: Earthquake

Question: What is the name for a swirling mass of air with low atmospheric pressure, typically forming over warm ocean waters?

Answer: Tropical cyclone

Question: Which natural disaster is caused by the collapse or eruption of a volcano, releasing a cloud of hot ash, rock fragments, and gases?

Answer: Volcanic explosion

Question: What is the term for a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates?

Answer: Seismic tremor

Question: Which natural disaster is characterized by a rapid, widespread, and uncontrollable fire that consumes buildings and vegetation?

Answer: Conflagration

Question: What is the name for a slow-moving mass of ice, rocks, and debris that slides down a slope?

Answer: Landslide

Question: Which natural disaster is caused by the rapid rotation of a violent thunderstorm, with a characteristic funnel-shaped cloud?

Answer: Tornado

Question: What is the term for a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to water scarcity and crop failure?

Answer: Drought

Question: Which natural disaster is a sudden, violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of rock beneath the Earth's surface?

Answer: Seismic event

Question: What is the name for a powerful and destructive storm system characterized by strong winds and heavy rainfall?

Answer: Cyclone

Question: Which natural disaster involves the sudden and rapid collapse or sinking of the Earth's surface, often forming a large hole?

Answer: Sinkhole

Question: Cashmere fibre comes from the coat of which type of animal?

Answer: Goat

Question: Pipistrelle is a type of which animal?

Answer: Bat

Question: The adjective ovine describes which type of animal?

Answer: Sheep

Question: What sort of diet does a frugivore animal have?

Answer: Fruit Based

Question: The collective name for which type of bird is a 'murder'?

Answer: Crow

Question: What type of animal is a bittern?

Answer: Bird

Question: What type of creature is a zebra swallowtail?

Answer: Butterfly

Question: What type of creature is a cassowary?

Answer: Bird

Question: Which breed of dog is associated with Queen Elizabeth II?

Answer: Corgi

Question: The Lhasa Apso is a breed of dog from which country?

Answer: Tibet

Question: Great Dane dogs originate in which European country?

Answer: Germany

Question: The Newfoundland breed of dog originates in which country?

Answer: Canada

Question: Cashmere fibre comes from the coat of which type of animal?

Answer: Goat

Question: Pipistrelle is a type of which animal?

Answer: Bat

Question: The adjective ovine describes which type of animal?

Answer: Sheep

Question: What sort of diet does a frugivore animal have?

Answer: Fruit Based

Question: The collective name for which type of bird is a 'murder'?

Answer: Crow

Question: What type of animal is a bittern?

Answer: Bird

Question: What type of creature is a zebra swallowtail?

Answer: Butterfly

Question: What type of creature is a cassowary?

Answer: Bird

Question: Which breed of dog is associated with Queen Elizabeth II?

Answer: Corgi

Question: The Lhasa Apso is a breed of dog from which country?

Answer: Tibet

Question: Great Dane dogs originate in which European country?

Answer: Germany

Question: The Newfoundland breed of dog originates in which country?

Answer: Canada

Question: What is the name of the animal which is covered in bony plates?

Answer: Armadillo

Question: What type of animal would you find in a formicary?

Answer: Ant

Question: What is a young eel called?

Answer: Elver

Question: What word means an animal capable of living on both land and in water?

Answer: Amphibious

Question: Which animals could be proboscis, rhesus, or tamarins?

Answer: Monkeys

Question: What does a Manx cat not have?

Answer: Tail

Question: Abyssinian, Bengal, and Birman are breeds of which type of pet?

Answer: Cat

Question: What is the world's fastest land animal?

Answer: Cheetah

Question: The caiman is a close relative of which other animal?

Answer: Crocodile

Question: Bald and Golden are types of which bird?

Answer: Eagle

Question: Anacondas are found in tropical regions of which continent?

Answer: South America

Question: Which large African mammals live in groups called a crash?

Answer: Rhinos

Question: What type of animal is a corncrake?

Answer: Bird

Question: What is the largest carnivore living on land?

Answer: Polar Bear

Question: Which type of animal lives in a lodge?

Answer: Beaver

Question: What type of animal is sacred in Thailand?

Answer: Elephant

Question: Pipistrelle, Greater Horseshoe, and Whiskered are types of which animal?

Answer: Bat

Question: What type of creature is a pilchard?

Answer: Fish

Question: Where do sloths live?

Answer: Trees

Question: The echidna is native to which country?

Answer: Australia

Question: What is the main food of an otter?

Answer: Fish

Question: Bamboo accounts for what percentage of a panda's diet?

Answer: 99%

Question: The dodo became extinct in which century?

Answer: 17th

Question: What is the name for a baby rabbit?

Answer: Kit

Question: Which animal's name comes from the Malay meaning 'human of the forest'?

Answer: Orangutan

Question: What color is the fur of the mountain hare in winter?

Answer: White

Question: Wildcats are native to which part of the UK?

Answer: Scottish Highlands

Question: The giraffe is native to which continent?

Answer: Africa

Question: Thresher, Hammerhead, and Carpet are types of which creature?

Answer: Fish

Question: Koalas aren't bears; they belong to which group of animals?

Answer: Marsupials

Question: White-beaked, Commerson's, and Ganges River are types of which creature?

Answer: Dolphin

Diseases in Nature Trivia

Question: Which tropical disease is spread by mosquitos?

Answer: Malaria

Question: Ornithology is the scientific study of which type of creatures?

Answer: Birds

Question: What is the scientific name for a fruit-eating animal?

Answer: Frugivore

Question: Which disease is caused by the bite of infected mosquitoes and is characterized by fever, body aches, and fatigue?

Answer: Malaria

Question: What is the infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and transmitted by fleas?

Answer: Plague

Question: Which viral disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks and can cause flu-like symptoms?

Answer: Lyme disease

Question: What is the name for the highly contagious viral disease characterized by the swelling of salivary glands?

Answer: Mumps

Question: Which disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks?

Answer: Lyme disease

Question: What is the viral disease transmitted through the Aedes mosquito that causes symptoms such as fever, rash, and joint pain?

Answer: Zika virus

Question: Which disease is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and weakens the immune system?

Answer: AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

Question: What is the infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis and primarily affects the lungs?

Answer: Tuberculosis

Question: Which disease is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and characterized by a blister-like rash, itching, and fever?

Answer: Chickenpox

Question: What is the viral disease characterized by inflammation of the liver and is usually transmitted through contaminated food or water?

Answer: Hepatitis A

Question: Which disease is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani and leads to muscle stiffness and spasms?

Answer: Tetanus

Question: What is the name for the respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and characterized by severe coughing fits?

Answer: Whooping cough (Pertussis)

Question: Which viral disease is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes and can cause fever, joint pain, and rash?

Answer: Dengue fever

Question: What is the infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis and commonly affects livestock and wild animals?

Answer: Anthrax

Question: Which disease is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and leads to severe diarrhea and dehydration?

Answer: Cholera

Miscellaneous Nature Trivia

Question: English Longhorn, White Park, and Belted Galloway are British breeds of which farm animal?

Answer: Cow

Question: In which country would you find marsupials called quokkas?

Answer: Australia

Question: What type of creature is a piranha?

Answer: Fish

Question: What word is used to describe animals that kill and eat other animals?

Answer: Predatory

Question: What type of creature is a sandpiper?

Answer: Bird

Question: Squirrels in the UK can be grey and which other color?

Answer: Red

Question: Spots known as rosettes are found on which big cat?

Answer: Leopard

Question: A bichon frise is a type of which animal?

Answer: Dog

Question: What would you expect to find in an apiary?

Answer: Bees

Question: How many species of African Rhinoceros are there?

Answer: 2