General Board Games Trivia
Question: Which board game zooms you through the ups and downs of life with tiny toy cars?
Answer: Life
Question: In which whodunit board game do you sleuth your way to solving a dastardly murder?
Answer: Cluedo
Question: Which mystery game lets you brandish weapons like a rope and a lead pipe in your quest to crack the case?
Answer: Cluedo
Question: In which high-stakes game do art lovers duel to bid their way into owning fabulous masterpieces?
Answer: Masterpiece
Question: Which sweet-as-sugar racing board game features a sugary stop at Gum Drop Mountain?
Answer: Candy Land
Question: In which doodling board game do you sketch away while your team tries to decode your artistic masterpieces?
Answer: Pictionary
Question: Which strategic board game has you plotting and firing torpedoes at your opponent's sneaky warships?
Answer: Battleship
Question: Which ancient game, rumored to be the OG of board games, has been around since, well, forever?
Answer: Backgammon
Question: In which inquisitive board game do you ask your opponent questions to unveil their mysterious character's secret identity?
Answer: Guess Who
Question: Which spooky board game features a creepy gamekeeper video urging you to step closer for a nightmarish challenge?
Answer: Nightmare
Question: Which classic board game has you climbing ladders to victory and sliding down snakes into shenanigans?
Answer: Snakes and Ladders
Question: In which naval strategy game do you target and launch torpedoes at your rival's fleet of warships?
Answer: Battleship
Question: Which romantic board game has you decoding mysterious messages from your secret crush to win their heart?
Answer: Dream Phone
Question: In Civilization, what bright idea rewards you when your piece lands on a glowing lightbulb space?
Answer: Technology
Monopoly Trivia
Question: What's the very first street you land on when you kickstart your Monopoly empire?
Answer: Old Kent Road
Question: Which classic board game dares you with the ominous warning, "Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect £200"?
Answer: Monopoly
Question: How much does it cost to snag a station and keep the Monopoly trains rolling?
Answer: £200
Question: Which of these sneaky streets doesn’t belong on the traditional Monopoly map?
Answer: Mile End Road
Question: Stumbled upon the Income Tax square in Monopoly? How much do you have to cough up?
Answer: £200
Question: Which one of these posh properties is decked out in green on the Monopoly board?
Answer: Bond Street
Question: Looking to buy low in Monopoly? Which property is the bargain of the bunch?
Answer: Old Kent Road
Question: Rolling into Monopoly: How many dice do you need to get this game rolling?
Answer: 2
Question: What’s the lush color of Monopoly houses that makes them stand out on the board?
Answer: Green
Question: Starting your Monopoly journey: How much moolah does each player begin with?
Answer: £1,500
Question: Which of these streets is playing hide and seek by NOT being a red property in Monopoly?
Answer: Coventry Street
Question: When you’re just visiting jail in Monopoly, what cheeky phrase accompanies your stay?
Answer: Just Visiting
Question: Caught speeding around the Monopoly board? How much is the fine to break free from jail?
Answer: £50
Question: In the wordy world of Scrabble, which letter sneaks in with a hefty 5 points?
Answer: K
Question: Color your Connect 4 strategy: What hues are the discs that drop into the grid?
Answer: Red and Yellow
Question: Won a crossword challenge in Monopoly? How much cash is added to your stack?
Answer: £100
Question: Where does Liverpool Street Station make its grand entrance on the Monopoly board?
Answer: Between the green and dark blue properties
Question: It’s your birthday in Monopoly! What do you receive from each of your friends?
Answer: £10
Question: Placed second in a Monopoly beauty contest? How much is your consolation prize?
Answer: £10
Question: Looking for Coventry Street, Marylebone Station, and Free Parking? Which game are you playing?
Answer: Monopoly
Question: What’s the slick name of Monopoly’s latest 'standard' edition?
Answer: Here and Now
Question: What symbol proudly stands guard on the Go square in Monopoly?
Answer: Arrow
Chess Trivia
Question: In the royal game of Chess, how does the humble pawn sneakily take down its rivals?
Answer: Diagonally
Question: Which Chess piece, also known as the castle, marches across the board in a no-nonsense straight line?
Answer: Rook
Question: Bishops in Chess aren't just church leaders—they glide gracefully in which direction on the board?
Answer: Diagonally
Question: Who gets the first royal move in Chess: the noble white pieces or the daring black ones?
Answer: White
Question: Which Chess piece stacks up as the majority, quietly outnumbering all the others on the battlefield?
Answer: Pawn
Question: What strategic Chess move gets both the King and the Rook doing a synchronized dance across the board?
Answer: Castling
Question: In the game of Chess, how do the sturdy rooks cruise around the checkered battlefield?
Answer: In a straight line
Question: When a pawn decides to play offense, what crafty move does it use to capture an opponent's piece?
Answer: Diagonally
Scrabble Trivia
Question: How many sneaky blank tiles lurk in a standard Scrabble set, waiting to be anything you want?
Answer: 2
Question: What special square doubles the power of your entire word's score when your tiles land on it?
Answer: Double word score
Question: When you use all seven of your letter tiles in one dazzling move, what Scrabble wizardry is this feat called?
Answer: A Bingo
Question: In the world of Scrabble, which two letters pack a punch with a hefty 8-point score each?
Answer: X and J
Question: Back in the OG Scrabble days, what fiery red squares on the board gave your word scores a turbo boost?
Answer: Triple word score
Question: How many of those triple word score hotspots are sprinkled across a classic Scrabble board?
Answer: 8
Question: Switching gears to Boggle for a sec—how many points does a slick five-letter word bag?
Answer: 2
Question: In Scrabble, how many exclusive letters are there, each with only one shiny tile to claim?
Answer: 5
Question: Which two-letter tiles reign supreme as the highest-scoring duos in Scrabble's alphabet showdown?
Answer: Q and Z
Question: Pulling out all the stops in Scrabble by using every single letter in one epic play? How many bonus points swoop in for that stellar streak?
Answer: 50
Trivial Pursuit Trivia
Question: In Trivial Pursuit, what color is rocking the "Science & Nature" category?
Answer: Green
Question: Which Canadian powerhouse first unleashed the Trivial Pursuit board game upon the world?
Answer: Horn Abbot Ltd. (later known as Horn Abbot International)
Question: In the OG Trivial Pursuit game, what blue-hued category takes you around the globe?
Answer: Geography
Question: What does a pie piece symbolize in Trivial Pursuit – maybe a slice of victory or just dessert?
Answer: A correctly answered question from a specific category
Question: How many juicy categories do you need to conquer in the classic Trivial Pursuit showdown?
Answer: Six
Question: Which pink-tinted category in Trivial Pursuit is all about the glitz and glam of Entertainment?
Answer: Entertainment
Question: What does the acronym "Genus" decode to in the original Trivial Pursuit edition – no, it's not a secret superhero squad!
Answer: General Knowledge
Question: In Trivial Pursuit, what sunny yellow category covers all things "History"?
Answer: Yellow
Question: Who are the dynamic duo behind the creation of Trivial Pursuit – move over Batman and Robin!
Answer: Scott Abbott and Chris Haney
Question: In Trivial Pursuit, what zesty orange category scores big in "Sports & Leisure"?
Answer: Orange
Question: How many wedges do you need to collect to triumph in a game of Trivial Pursuit – think of them as your victory trophies?
Answer: Six
Question: In the original Trivial Pursuit game, what earthy brown category celebrates "Art & Literature"?
Answer: Art & Literature
Question: What was the undercover name of the Trivial Pursuit game before it hit the shelves – hint: it's a classic quiz show trio!
Answer: "What? Where? When?"
Question: What color dazzles in the "Science & Technology" category of Trivial Pursuit: Genus II Edition – think high-tech vibes!
Answer: Blue
Question: How many brain-bending questions are packed into a standard Trivial Pursuit card – enough to make your neurons dance?
Answer: Six
Other Board Games Trivia
Question: In the wild game of Life, what are the blue cards called that can boost your career like a power-up in Mario?
Answer: Career
Question: On the Absolute Balderdash board with its 27 squares, what quirky surprise awaits players on the extra space in the center—think of it as the board's secret level?
Answer: Double Score
Question: In the strategic showdown of Go, what shape are the stone bowls that players stack like Jedi building their lightsabers?
Answer: Oval
Question: Travel back 4000 years—where did the epic saga of Go begin, in the land of dragons and dumplings?
Answer: China
Question: In the royal battlefield of Chess, what are the humble yet heroic pieces that make up the first line of defense, often underestimated like sidekicks in superhero movies?
Answer: Pawns
Question: Who’s the mysterious criminal mastermind on the run in Scotland Yard’s latest episode of "Catch Me If You Can"?
Answer: Mr X
Question: In the thrilling game of Backgammon, what's the slick term for gracefully removing your checkers from the home board, as smooth as a dance move in a pop hit music video?
Answer: Bearing off
Question: What’s the perfect shape of the Masterpiece board, rounding out the game like a well-edited blockbuster finale?
Answer: Circle
Question: In the classic whodunit of Cluedo, how many rooms must you investigate to solve the mystery—think of it as your very own detective series lineup?
Answer: 9
Question: Which sneaky move is NOT a way to end up in Monopoly jail—imagine avoiding this like dodging a spoiler in your favorite TV show?
Answer: Landing on the jail square by roll of the dice
Miscellaneous Board Games Trivia
Question: Which board game zooms into action with tiny cars racing to the finish line like mini Lightning McQueens?
Answer: Life
Question: In which whodunit board game do you don your detective hat to solve a mysterious murder?
Answer: Cluedo
Question: Which suspense-filled game features unconventional weapons like a sneaky rope and a stealthy lead pipe—perfect for your next detective binge-watch?
Answer: Cluedo
Question: In what art-collecting board game do players outbid each other like Wall Street titans for coveted masterpieces—get ready to auction like Picasso!
Answer: Masterpiece
Question: Which sweet-themed racing board game takes you through sugary terrains like Gum Drop Mountain—ready for a candy-coated adventure?
Answer: Candy Land
Question: Which creative board game has you sketching wild ideas while your teammates guess—think of it as the ultimate drawing party game!
Answer: Pictionary
Question: In which strategic naval game do players command warships, firing upon each other's vessels like fleet commanders in an epic sea battle?
Answer: Battleship
Question: Which ancient board game is hailed as the granddaddy of them all, dating back thousands of years?
Answer: Backgammon
Question: In which guessing game do you interrogate your opponent about their character's looks—time to put on your detective hat!
Answer: Guess Who
Question: Which spooky board game features a mysterious gamekeeper video that lures players closer—dare to play Nightmare?
Answer: Nightmare
Question: Which elimination game challenges you to figure out which one of 24 characters your opponent has slyly selected?
Answer: Guess Who
Question: In which classic board game do you climb ladders to success and slide down snakes into mischief?
Answer: Snakes and Ladders
Question: Which naval warfare board game has you targeting and firing upon your opponent's ships like a fleet commander?
Answer: Battleship
Question: In which romantic board game do players listen to clues about their secret admirers—ready to find your dream match?
Answer: Dream Phone
Question: In Civilization, what bright idea do you gain when you land on a lightbulb space—unlocking new breakthroughs!
Answer: Technology