Periodic Table and Elements Trivia
Question: Approximately how many different layouts are there of the periodic table?
Answer: 700
Question: Group 18 is noble...?
Answer: Gases
Question: Halogens are which group in the Periodic Table?
Answer: 17
Question: How many columns are there in a standard layout?
Answer: 18
Question: How many confirmed elements are there as of 2013?
Answer: 114
Question: How many elements are in period 1 of the periodic table?
Answer: 2
Question: How many natural elements are there?
Answer: 98
Question: How many rows are there in a standard layout?
Answer: 7
Question: In which group of the periodic table will you find argon?
Answer: 18
Question: Modern periodic law is based on what?
Answer: Atomic Numbers
Question: Which element with the symbol Sc was first discovered in Scandinavia?
Answer: Scandium
Question: Who is credited with discovering noble gases and adding them to the table?
Answer: William Ramsey
Question: Who is generally credited with first publishing the periodic table?
Answer: Dimitri Mendeleev
Question: Who suggested in 1945 that a new periodic table be introduced?
Answer: Glenn Seaborg
Question: The blocks are split into how many colors?
Answer: 4
Question: There are 18 elements in which periods of the periodic table?
Answer: 4 and 5
Question: What are the elements in the periodic table organized by?
Answer: Atomic Numbers
Question: What are the rows called in the periodic table?
Answer: Periods
Question: What branch of science does the periodic table relate to?
Answer: Chemistry
Question: What column is on the far right of the periodic table?
Answer: Noble Gases
Question: What is 115 on the Periodic Table?
Answer: Ununpentium
Question: What is Group 16 on the Periodic Table?
Answer: Chalcogens
Question: What is Hydrogen's chemical symbol?
Answer: H
Question: What is the 2 or 3 letter abbreviation of an element called?
Answer: Chemical Symbol
Question: What is the background color of noble gases?
Answer: Turquoise
Question: What is the collective name for the columns?
Answer: Groups
Question: What kind of gases are listed?
Answer: Noble
Question: What kind of metal is sodium?
Answer: Alkali
Question: What kinds of elements appear on the periodic table?
Answer: Chemical
Question: When compared to a metal, a non-metal is?
Answer: More Brittle
Chemical Elements and Symbols Trivia
Question: An is the chemical symbol for which pnictogen that is also a poison?
Answer: Arsenic
Question: Au is the chemical symbol for which precious metal?
Answer: Gold
Question: Barium has which chemical symbol?
Answer: Ba
Question: Br is the symbol for which element which is both toxic and corrosive?
Answer: Bromine
Question: C is the chemical symbol for which element with the atomic number 6?
Answer: Carbon
Question: Cn is the symbol of which radioactive synthetic element?
Answer: Copernicium
Question: Ch is the symbol for which element with the atomic number 6?
Answer: Carbon
Question: Cs is the symbol for which Alkali metal?
Answer: Caesium
Question: Fe is the symbol for which element?
Answer: Iron
Question: Hg is the chemical symbol for which poisonous metal?
Answer: Mercury
Question: Mo is the symbol for which group 6 element?
Answer: Molybdenum
Question: N is for?
Answer: Nitrogen
Question: Ni represents which element?
Answer: Nickel
Question: One of these is a post-transition metal, which one?
Answer: Lead
Question: Os is the symbol of which element that has the Greek name for smell?
Answer: Osmium
Question: Which alkali metal has the chemical symbol Rb?
Answer: Rubidium
Question: Which alkali metal has the highest atomic number?
Answer: Francium
Question: Which chemical element with the atomic number 23 was discovered in Mexico in 1801?
Answer: Vanadium
Question: Which element boasts almost 100,000 known compounds?
Answer: Carbon
Question: Which element has the atomic number 118?
Answer: Ununoctium
Question: Which element has the atomic symbol Na?
Answer: Sodium
Question: Which element has the Latin name for Copenhagen?
Answer: Hafnium
Question: Which element which has the symbol Nb was previously known as Columbium?
Answer: Niobium
Question: Which element with the atomic number 31 will melt if held in the hand?
Answer: Gallium
Question: Which element with the atomic number 74 is found in light bulb filaments?
Answer: Tungsten
Question: Which element with the chemical symbol Bk was named after a city in California?
Answer: Berkelium
Question: Which element with the symbol Ir is a member of the platinum family?
Answer: Iridium
Question: Which element with the symbol Ni has a golden tinge in its natural state?
Answer: Nickel
Chemistry and Uses Trivia
Question: Chlorine is most commonly found in what?
Answer: Swimming Pools
Question: Hg is the chemical symbol for which poisonous metal?
Answer: Mercury
Question: Oxygen belongs in which group on the periodic table?
Answer: Chalcogens
Question: Pb is the symbol for which group 14 element?
Answer: Lead
Question: Pt is the chemical symbol for which precious metal?
Answer: Platinum
Question: Si is the chemical symbol for which element:
Answer: Silicon
Question: Sm is the chemical symbol for which element?
Answer: Samarium
Question: Sodium's chemical symbol is?
Answer: Na
Question: The chemical symbol K stands for what?
Answer: Potassium
Question: The chemical symbol O represents what?
Answer: Oxygen
Question: The first element in group 12 of the periodic table is?
Answer: Zinc
Question: The first group is which kind of metals?
Answer: Alkali
Question: The heaviest of the natural noble gases is?
Answer: Radon
Question: The rare and very brittle Tellurium has which chemical symbol?
Answer: Te
Question: Thorium falls into which group?
Answer: 4
Question: Tin has which chemical symbol?
Answer: Sn
Question: W is the chemical symbol for which transition metal?
Answer: Tungsten
Question: The atomic number represents the amount of what in an element?
Answer: Electrons
Question: The atomic symbol of which element is also a U.S state zip code?
Answer: Aluminum
Question: The number of what determines the atomic number?
Answer: protons
Question: The poisonous metal arsenic has what odor when it is heated?
Answer: Garlic
Question: Which noble gas has the lowest atomic number?
Answer: Helium
Question: Which noble gas' name comes from the Greek for 'hidden one'?
Answer: Krypton
Question: Which noble gas widely used in lights and advertising has the chemical symbol Ne?
Answer: Neon
Question: Which noble gas with the chemical symbol Ar is the 3rd most common in the atmosphere?
Answer: Argon
Question: Which noble gas is used in anesthetics?
Answer: Xenon
Question: Which of the following is a chalcogen?
Answer: Selenium
Question: Which of the halogens has the chemical symbol S?
Answer: Sulfur
Question: Which of these is a Halogen non-metal?
Answer: Chlorine
Question: Which is the only common metal that is a liquid at room temperature?
Answer: Mercury
Question: Which of these metals is a 'transition'?
Answer: Platinum
Question: Which one of the following metals is an alkali?
Answer: Lithium
Question: Which precious metal has the highest atomic number at 79?
Answer: Gold
Question: YB is the chemical symbol of which element?
Answer: Ytterbium
Question: Which of the following is a synthetic element on the periodic table?
Answer: Fermium
Question: Which superheavy, synthetic element has the symbol Lv?
Answer: Livermorium
Question: With the atomic number 43, which was the first artificially produced element?
Answer: Technetium