Electricity Trivia

99+ Best Electricity Trivia Questions & Answers

Mike Oberman

Updated: July 15th, 2024

Discover the electrifying world of electricity trivia! From chemical symbols to atomic numbers, learn fascinating facts about elements and their properties in this shocking collection of questions.

Periodic Table and Elements Trivia

Question: Approximately how many different layouts are there of the periodic table?

Answer: 700

Question: Group 18 is noble...?

Answer: Gases

Question: Halogens are which group in the Periodic Table?

Answer: 17

Question: How many columns are there in a standard layout?

Answer: 18

Question: How many confirmed elements are there as of 2013?

Answer: 114

Question: How many elements are in period 1 of the periodic table?

Answer: 2

Question: How many natural elements are there?

Answer: 98

Question: How many rows are there in a standard layout?

Answer: 7

Question: In which group of the periodic table will you find argon?

Answer: 18

Question: Modern periodic law is based on what?

Answer: Atomic Numbers

Question: Which element with the symbol Sc was first discovered in Scandinavia?

Answer: Scandium

Question: Who is credited with discovering noble gases and adding them to the table?

Answer: William Ramsey

Question: Who is generally credited with first publishing the periodic table?

Answer: Dimitri Mendeleev

Question: Who suggested in 1945 that a new periodic table be introduced?

Answer: Glenn Seaborg

Question: The blocks are split into how many colors?

Answer: 4

Question: There are 18 elements in which periods of the periodic table?

Answer: 4 and 5

Question: What are the elements in the periodic table organized by?

Answer: Atomic Numbers

Question: What are the rows called in the periodic table?

Answer: Periods

Question: What branch of science does the periodic table relate to?

Answer: Chemistry

Question: What column is on the far right of the periodic table?

Answer: Noble Gases

Question: What is 115 on the Periodic Table?

Answer: Ununpentium

Question: What is Group 16 on the Periodic Table?

Answer: Chalcogens

Question: What is Hydrogen's chemical symbol?

Answer: H

Question: What is the 2 or 3 letter abbreviation of an element called?

Answer: Chemical Symbol

Question: What is the background color of noble gases?

Answer: Turquoise

Question: What is the collective name for the columns?

Answer: Groups

Question: What kind of gases are listed?

Answer: Noble

Question: What kind of metal is sodium?

Answer: Alkali

Question: What kinds of elements appear on the periodic table?

Answer: Chemical

Question: When compared to a metal, a non-metal is?

Answer: More Brittle

Chemical Elements and Symbols Trivia

Question: An is the chemical symbol for which pnictogen that is also a poison?

Answer: Arsenic

Question: Au is the chemical symbol for which precious metal?

Answer: Gold

Question: Barium has which chemical symbol?

Answer: Ba

Question: Br is the symbol for which element which is both toxic and corrosive?

Answer: Bromine

Question: C is the chemical symbol for which element with the atomic number 6?

Answer: Carbon

Question: Cn is the symbol of which radioactive synthetic element?

Answer: Copernicium

Question: Ch is the symbol for which element with the atomic number 6?

Answer: Carbon

Question: Cs is the symbol for which Alkali metal?

Answer: Caesium

Question: Fe is the symbol for which element?

Answer: Iron

Question: Hg is the chemical symbol for which poisonous metal?

Answer: Mercury

Question: Mo is the symbol for which group 6 element?

Answer: Molybdenum

Question: N is for?

Answer: Nitrogen

Question: Ni represents which element?

Answer: Nickel

Question: One of these is a post-transition metal, which one?

Answer: Lead

Question: Os is the symbol of which element that has the Greek name for smell?

Answer: Osmium

Question: Which alkali metal has the chemical symbol Rb?

Answer: Rubidium

Question: Which alkali metal has the highest atomic number?

Answer: Francium

Question: Which chemical element with the atomic number 23 was discovered in Mexico in 1801?

Answer: Vanadium

Question: Which element boasts almost 100,000 known compounds?

Answer: Carbon

Question: Which element has the atomic number 118?

Answer: Ununoctium

Question: Which element has the atomic symbol Na?

Answer: Sodium

Question: Which element has the Latin name for Copenhagen?

Answer: Hafnium

Question: Which element which has the symbol Nb was previously known as Columbium?

Answer: Niobium

Question: Which element with the atomic number 31 will melt if held in the hand?

Answer: Gallium

Question: Which element with the atomic number 74 is found in light bulb filaments?

Answer: Tungsten

Question: Which element with the chemical symbol Bk was named after a city in California?

Answer: Berkelium

Question: Which element with the symbol Ir is a member of the platinum family?

Answer: Iridium

Question: Which element with the symbol Ni has a golden tinge in its natural state?

Answer: Nickel

Chemistry and Uses Trivia

Question: Chlorine is most commonly found in what?

Answer: Swimming Pools

Question: Hg is the chemical symbol for which poisonous metal?

Answer: Mercury

Question: Oxygen belongs in which group on the periodic table?

Answer: Chalcogens

Question: Pb is the symbol for which group 14 element?

Answer: Lead

Question: Pt is the chemical symbol for which precious metal?

Answer: Platinum

Question: Si is the chemical symbol for which element:

Answer: Silicon

Question: Sm is the chemical symbol for which element?

Answer: Samarium

Question: Sodium's chemical symbol is?

Answer: Na

Question: The chemical symbol K stands for what?

Answer: Potassium

Question: The chemical symbol O represents what?

Answer: Oxygen

Question: The first element in group 12 of the periodic table is?

Answer: Zinc

Question: The first group is which kind of metals?

Answer: Alkali

Question: The heaviest of the natural noble gases is?

Answer: Radon

Question: The rare and very brittle Tellurium has which chemical symbol?

Answer: Te

Question: Thorium falls into which group?

Answer: 4

Question: Tin has which chemical symbol?

Answer: Sn

Question: W is the chemical symbol for which transition metal?

Answer: Tungsten

Question: The atomic number represents the amount of what in an element?

Answer: Electrons

Question: The atomic symbol of which element is also a U.S state zip code?

Answer: Aluminum

Question: The number of what determines the atomic number?

Answer: protons

Question: The poisonous metal arsenic has what odor when it is heated?

Answer: Garlic

Question: Which noble gas has the lowest atomic number?

Answer: Helium

Question: Which noble gas' name comes from the Greek for 'hidden one'?

Answer: Krypton

Question: Which noble gas widely used in lights and advertising has the chemical symbol Ne?

Answer: Neon

Question: Which noble gas with the chemical symbol Ar is the 3rd most common in the atmosphere?

Answer: Argon

Question: Which noble gas is used in anesthetics?

Answer: Xenon

Question: Which of the following is a chalcogen?

Answer: Selenium

Question: Which of the halogens has the chemical symbol S?

Answer: Sulfur

Question: Which of these is a Halogen non-metal?

Answer: Chlorine

Question: Which is the only common metal that is a liquid at room temperature?

Answer: Mercury

Question: Which of these metals is a 'transition'?

Answer: Platinum

Question: Which one of the following metals is an alkali?

Answer: Lithium

Question: Which precious metal has the highest atomic number at 79?

Answer: Gold

Question: YB is the chemical symbol of which element?

Answer: Ytterbium

Question: Which of the following is a synthetic element on the periodic table?

Answer: Fermium

Question: Which superheavy, synthetic element has the symbol Lv?

Answer: Livermorium

Question: With the atomic number 43, which was the first artificially produced element?

Answer: Technetium