Pregnancy Trivia

91+ Best Pregnancy Trivia Questions & Answers

Mike Oberman

Updated: June 15th, 2023

Discover fascinating facts about pregnancy with over 90 trivia questions and answers! From the stages of development to birthing terminology, this collection will leave you astounded by the wonders of pregnancy.


Question: What is the term used in pregnancy when a woman has a decreased number of red blood cells?

Answer: Anaemia

Question: What is the term used to describe a baby who has his spine against his mother's back when he is in the womb?

Answer: Posterior

Question: After the first eight weeks of a pregnancy, what is the term used to describe the mother and father's future offspring?

Answer: Foetus

Question: What is the name for the lower part of the uterus?

Answer: Cervix

Question: What is the term for nausea in pregnancy?

Answer: Morning Sickness

Question: The 'soft spot' on an infant's head is also known as what?

Answer: Fontanelle

Question: How early can you detect a baby's heartbeat with a doppler?

Answer: 5 weeks

Question: A spinal anaesthesia is also known as what?

Answer: Epidural

Question: What is the term for the motion of the uterus during childbirth?

Answer: Contraction

Question: What is the acronym for the unit where newborn infants are cared for?

Answer: NICU

Question: What is the name of the cord that connects a mother to her baby in the womb?

Answer: Umbilical cord

Question: What is the term for the medical imagining technique that allows us to see a baby in the womb?

Answer: Ultrasound

Question: The Corpeus Luteum in the ovary produces which hormone?

Answer: Progesterone

Question: What is the primary female sex hormone called?

Answer: Oestrogen

Question: What is the name of the position of a baby whos e back is against his mother's belly?

Answer: Anterior

Question: When a pregnancy is ended spontaneously, what is it referred to?

Answer: Miscarriage

Question: Which supplement is known to help with congenital malformations during the preconception period?

Answer: Folic Acid

Question: What is the term used to describe the thinning of the cervix?

Answer: Effacement

Question: What size is the approximate size of a human foetus at 1 month gestation?

Answer: Poppy seed

Question: What is the term used to describe the last trimester of a pregnancy?

Answer: Third Trimester

Question: What is the term for a baby delivered by a vacuum extraction?

Answer: Ventouse

Question: What does a doppler measure?

Answer: Heartbeat

Question: Which of the following mechanical devices can help a mother extract breastmilk for her baby?

Answer: Breast pump

Question: What is the name of the big bouncy ball used during labour?

Answer: Birthing Ball

Question: What is an alternative term for early labour?

Answer: First Stage of Labour

Question: What is the name of the 'love' hormone that plays an important role in childbirth?

Answer: Oxytocin

Question: What is an alternative term for lactation?

Answer: Breastfeeding

Question: How many weeks is the average human pregnancy?

Answer: 38 weeks

Question: What is the name of the cell that develops into a human foetus during the first eight weeks of a pregnancy?

Answer: Embryo

Question: What is the term used to describe the widening of the cervix?

Answer: Dilation

Question: When a woman's ovary releases an egg into her falopian tube this process is called which of the following terms?

Answer: Ovulation

Question: Before labour begins, many women experience practice contractions also knows as which term?

Answer: Braxton Hicks

Question: When a pregnant woman has high blood pressure and protein in her urine she may be suffering from which of the following conditions?

Answer: Pre-Eclampsia

Question: A baby that has not been born at 42 weeks gestation is also known as what?

Answer: Post-term

Question: What is the name of a birth companion?

Answer: Doula

Question: What is the term used to describe the ovum producing organ in a female reproductive system?

Answer: Ovaries

Question: What is the gestation period of a human pregnancy?

Answer: 9 months

Question: What is the term used when a baby enters the pelvis to prepare for delivery?

Answer: Engaged


Question: In a woman's bodywhich of the following tubes allow passage of the egg from the ovary to the uterus?

Answer: Fallopian Tubes

Question: When a newborn infant turns his head toward anything that strokes his cheek or mouth this is called which of the following?

Answer: Rooting Reflex

Question: What is the term used to describe when a baby's head is about to be born?

Answer: Crowning

Question: At 2 months gestation, what size is the approximate size of a human foetus?

Answer: Raspberry

Question: What size is the approximate size of a human foetus at 4 months gestation?

Answer: Avocado

Question: In birthing terminology, what does the acronym EDD stand for?

Answer: Estimated Date of Delivery

Question: What size is the approximate size of a human foetus at 8 months gestation?

Answer: Honeydew

Question: In birthing terminology, what does the acronynm HCG stand for?

Answer: Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin

Question: In birthing terminology, what does the acronym LMP stand for?

Answer: Last Menstrual Period

Question: What is the name of the first milk produced by the mother during late pregnancy?

Answer: Colostrum

Question: What is the term for the blood group that does not have the D Antigen and in pregnancy requires the mother to have an anti-D injection?

Answer: Rhesus Negative

Question: The middle stage of a pregnancy is also referred to as which of the following terms?

Answer: Second Trimester

Question: What is the name of the hormone that is released when a mother is breastfeeding?

Answer: Prolactin

Question: Which of the following drugs helps to softens cervix and causes uterine contraction?

Answer: Cervidil

Question: What is the term refering to a woman who has given birth in the last 6 weeks?

Answer: Postnatal

Question: What is it called when a fetus is deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen?

Answer: Hypoxia

Question: The surgical instrument used during childbirth that resemble a pair of tongs are known as what?

Answer: Forceps

Question: At 9 months gestation, what size is the approximate size of a human foetus?

Answer: Watermelon

Question: What is the term for a mother who has had multiple births?

Answer: Multigravida

Question: The first twelve weeks of a pregnancy are referred to as which of the following?

Answer: First Trimester

Question: What is the name of the machine that you can attach to your back during labour to ease the pain of contractions?

Answer: Tens Machine

Question: What is it called when a baby's head is in an upside-down position in the uterus?

Answer: Breech

Question: What is the name of the doctor who specialises in the medical care of newborn infants?

Answer: Neonatologist

Question: What size is the approximate size of a human foetus at 7 months gestation?

Answer: Squash

Question: The labour stage when the cervix is fully dilated, and ends when the baby is born is also known as what?

Answer: Second Stage of Labour

Question: In birthing terminology, what is the mucus plug that seals the cervix called?

Answer: Operculum

Question: At 5 months gestation, what size is the approximate size of a human foetus?

Answer: Cantaloupe

Question: A human foetus is approximately the size of which of the following objects at 6 months gestation?

Answer: Papaya

Question: What is an alternative term for 'milk spots' which are often found on the skin of newborn babies?

Answer: Milia

Question: What is the name of the method used to quickly assess the health of a newborn immediately after birth?

Answer: APGAR Score

Question: What is the name for the surgical procedure when an incision is made in a mother's abdomen to deliver a baby?

Answer: Ceasarean Section

Question: When there are signs that the foetus is unwell either during pregnancy or childbirth, this is referred to as what?

Answer: Fetal Distress

Question: What is the term for when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the feotus to negotiate the birth canal?

Answer: Cephalopelvic Disproportion


Question: What is the term used during pregnancy to describe a rupture of the amniotic sac?

Answer: Ruptured Membranes

Question: The final stage of labour, after the baby is born, when the placenta is delivered is referred to as what?

Answer: Third Stage of Labour

Question: What is the term used for wrapping infants in blankets or similar cloth so that movement of the limbs is tightly restricted?

Answer: Swaddling

Question: What is a form of prenatal diagnosis to determine chromosomal or genetic disorders in the fetus?

Answer: Chorionic Villus Sampling

Question: What is the term for the endocrine gland that is found at the base of the hypothalamus and helps stimulate contractions during childbirth?

Answer: Pituitary Gland

Question: A pregnancy where the embryo is implanted outside of the uterus is referred to by which term?

Answer: Ectopic pregnancy

Question: What is the term used to descrobe a complication of pregnancy, wherein the placental lining has separated from the uterus of the mother?

Answer: Abruptio Placenta

Question: What is the medical term used to describe a woman who is pregnant for the first time?

Answer: Primigravida

Question: A mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen used as a medical anesthesia during childbirth gas is called what?

Answer: Entonox

Question: Childbirth educator Janet Balaskas created which movement which encourages women to move around during their labours?

Answer: Active Birth

Question: In birthing terminology, what does the acronym HCG stand for?

Answer: Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin

Question: At 9 months gestation, what size is the approximate size of a human fetus?

Answer: Watermelon

Question: What is the name of the opiod drug given to pregnant women to help relieve labour pains?

Answer: Pethidine

Question: After childbirth, what is the facility called which stores umbilical cord blood for future use?

Answer: Cord Blood Banking

Question: What is it called when the umbilical cord precedes the fetus' exit from the uterus?

Answer: Cord Prolapse

Question: A human foetus is approximately the size of which of the following objects at 3 months gestation?

Answer: Plum

Question: When an infant feeds at frequent intervals, this is referred to as which of the following?

Answer: Cluster feeding

Question: The developmental congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube is know as what term?

Answer: Spina Bifida

Question: In pregnancy, what is the name of the protective liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a pregnant female?

Answer: Amniotic Fluid

Question: What is the term used to describe an infantile reflex as a response to a sudden loss of support, when the infant feels as if it is falling?

Answer: Moro Reflex