Easy Romance Trivia
Question: What was the occupation of Mr. Chips in the novella by James Hilton?
Answer: Schoolmaster
Question: Charlie Swan is a character in which of these novels?
Answer: Twilight
Question: In the book 'Empire Falls', it is clear that Grace loves Cindy more than ____________?
Answer: David
Question: In the book 'Cold Mountain', what does the farmer insist Inman do with his wife after catching them in a lover's embrace?
Answer: Marry her
Question: In the book 'Downright Dencey', what does Aunt Lovesta tell Dencey she must promise not to do?
Answer: Return to Injun Jill's or Brown's barn
Question: In Julie Garwood's romance novel 'Ransom', where does a wedding take place?
Answer: On horseback
Question: According to the Elif Şafak novel, how many rules of love are there?
Answer: Forty
Question: Which novel features the line 'I wish I were a girl again, half savage and hardy, and free'?
Answer: Wuthering Heights
Question: In what year was Mills & Boon founded?
Answer: 1908
Question: In the book 'Out of the Dust', mrs. Love, the government lady, takes applications for males to work ____________ jobs.
Answer: CCC
Question: Who wrote the '50 Shades of Grey' series of books?
Answer: E. L. James
Question: Who wrote the novel 'Rebecca'?
Answer: Daphne du Maurier
Question: In the book 'Antigone', love keepest the vigil on the soft cheek of a ____________, according to the Chorus in this section during the play.
Answer: Maiden
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', what year is it when Louise is writing in hopes of earning money?
Answer: 1942
Question: Boris Pasternak wrote about which doctor?
Answer: Zhivago
Question: In the book 'Daughter of Fortune', how old is Karl when he first experiences love?
Answer: Ten
Question: In the book 'The Comedy of Errors', who does Antipholus of Syracuse confess his love for in Act 3, Scene 2?
Answer: Luciana
Question: Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables' contains a sentence that consists of how many words?
Answer: 823
Question: In the book 'The Stories of John Cheever', what happens when the Duke decides to marry his new love?
Answer: They are forbidden to enter Rome
Question: In the book 'Breathing Lessons', how long ago did Maggie and Ira fall in love with each other?
Answer: 30 years
Question: Which D. H. Lawrence book was the subject of an obscenity trial?
Answer: Lady Chatterley's Lover
Question: In the book 'The Tempest', what does Miranda do in response to Ferdinand's declaration of his love for her?
Answer: She offers to marry him
Question: In the book 'The Comedy of Errors', finish the sentence: 'Belike you thought our love would last too long, if it were chain'd together, and therefore came ____'.
Answer: Not
Question: Which author wrote the bestselling novel 'The Piper's Son'?
Answer: Melina Marchetta
Question: Which of these is the name of a romance novel?
Answer: Seduce Me At Sunrise
Question: The line 'what does the brain matter compared with the heart?' is a line from which novel?
Answer: Mrs Dalloway
Question: Which author is commonly associated as being the modern originator of the romance genre?
Answer: Jane Austen
Question: In the book 'Sula', who has a steady stream of lovers?
Answer: Hannah
Question: What controversial novel begins: 'light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul'?
Answer: Lolita
Question: In the book 'As You Like It', who tells Corin that if he cannot remember the one time he fell in love, then he has never really been in love?
Answer: Silvius
Question: Mr. Rochester is a character from which of these novels?
Answer: Jane Eyre
Question: In the book 'The Call of the Wild', when does Buck love to run the most?
Answer: At night
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', who runs to get assistance for the cat owner?
Answer: Louise
Medium Romance Trivia
Question: In the book 'Song of Solomon', why is First Corinthians embarrassed to be seen with her new lover?
Answer: He is a common laborer
Question: Which of Jane Austen's characters married Mr. Knightley?
Answer: Emma Woodhouse
Question: Oliver Barrett is a character from which novel?
Answer: Love Story
Question: In the book 'The Great Fire', what is Peter's first love?
Answer: Art
Question: In the book 'Measure for Measure', what physical feature does Angelo love most about Isabella as she pleads for Claudio's life?
Answer: Her eyes
Question: In the book 'Sons and Lovers', what is one thing that Miriam absolutely does not want to be?
Answer: A farmer's wife
Question: In the book 'The Radicalism of the American Revolution', who said, 'the attracting force of universal love' existed in all people?
Answer: Joel Barlow
Question: In the book 'How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale', who was the new girlfriend of Jenna's father who seemed to be someone to whom she could talk, though they broke up?
Answer: Vivian
Question: Who wrote the novel 'The Notebook'?
Answer: Nicholas Sparks
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', what does Louise study about people while in school?
Answer: Their hands
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', where is Louise married?
Answer: A schoolhouse
Question: In the book 'Much Ado About Nothing', whom does Hero choose to help her in convincing Beatrice that Benedick loves her?
Answer: Ursula
Question: In the book 'Much Ado About Nothing', why does Beatrice decide to love Benedick after she eavesdrops on Hero in the garden?
Answer: Out of pity for him
Question: Who was author of more than 700 bestselling romantic novels who died in 2000 aged 98?
Answer: Barbara Cartland
Question: What are men to rocks and mountains?' is a quote from which novel?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', to where does Louise get a scholarship?
Answer: The University of Maryland
Question: In the book 'Sons and Lovers', on what day does Clara join Paul's family for tea?
Answer: Sunday
Question: The novel 'A Woman of Substance', published in 1979, was a best-selling debut for which well-known writer?
Answer: Barbara Taylor Bradford
Question: Who wrote the novel 'Revolutionary Road'?
Answer: Richard Yates
Question: In the book 'How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale', larry admits his favorite was to smoke _____________ to keep his high steady.
Answer: Crank
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', what does Louise do every day after school lets out?
Answer: Goes crabbing
Question: In the book 'The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice', what does Desdemona do to try and prove her love to Othello after he has accused her of an affair?
Answer: Put their wedding sheets on the bed
Question: Who is the youngest recipient of a Nielsen Book Platinum Award, for selling one million copies, for her book 'PS, I Love You'?
Answer: Cecelia Ahern
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', what does Louise study when she first gets to college?
Answer: Pre-med
Question: In the book 'How I Learned to Drive', li'l Bit refers to her first lesson as the 'initiation into a boy's first love.' What is this first love?
Answer: Cars
Question: The novel 'A Room with A View' begins in which city?
Answer: Florence
Question: In the book 'The Merchant of Venice', what does Lorenzo say he is saving the woman he loves from?
Answer: Her Jewish heritage
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', how old is Connie when she delivers the letter to Mellors?
Answer: 27
Question: In the book 'Sons and Lovers', who makes the Morel family uncomfortable?
Answer: William's fiance
Question: In the book 'The Merchant of Venice', what does Gratiano say most lovers really love?
Answer: The chase
Hard Romance Trivia
Question: In the book 'The Hero and the Crown', what do the City dwellers come to love the song of?
Answer: Desert lark
Question: Who wrote 'The French Lieutenant's Woman'?
Answer: John Fowles
Question: In the book 'Jacob Have I Loved', how long has the house that the strange man stays in been abandoned?
Answer: Twenty years
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', how does Connie tell Clifford she is leaving him?
Answer: She writes a letter
Question: Whose first novel is 'A Parliamentary Affair'?
Answer: Edwina Currie
Question: In the book 'How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale', jenna thinks Beth will regret _____________ for the rest of her life.
Answer: Having sex
Question: In the book 'How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale', who devoted an entire room to Jenna Jameson, according to gossip Jenna heard?
Answer: Preacher
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', what does Connie do before going to bed after she delivers the letter to Mellors?
Answer: Examines her body
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', how long has Connie had a strong aversion for the person she dislikes after her fight with Mellors?
Answer: Since she met him
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', what is Michaelis writing a play about in Chapter 6?
Answer: Clifford
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', how long does Mellors have to wait for a divorce?
Answer: 6 months
Question: In the book 'How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale', jenna wants to ____________, but will not do so because she does not want to hurt her father.
Answer: Run away
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', what does Clifford's aunt think should be put into the air to make life better?
Answer: Morphine
Question: In the book 'How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale', what movie did Jenna audition for, though she did not get the part she wanted to get?
Answer: Private Parts
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', how does Connie's father respond to the news she tells him before she leaves Venice?
Answer: He is pleased
Question: How are the sisters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy described in the title of an 1868 novel?
Answer: Little Women
Question: In the book 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', who does Connie deliver a message to Mellors from?
Answer: Clifford